pipe rolling mill factory
The factory gear rolling is capable of producing a varied range in size from small-diameter to large-diameter pipes. It was in operation from September 2003 to June 2004 and August 2004 -Septemer 2005. The most important part of the factory's operations are its rolling mills, which by the main function oft riping metal billet into circular, square or rectangular pipes takes place in a continuous process throughout. Technological features of the factory include advanced automated systems that control temperature, pressure and speed during the rolling process, in order to ensure both accuracys and qualitys. The factory is equipped with advanced high-speed cutting and finishing machine-tools rooms for the production of high pressure pipes meeting stringent national industry standards. These tubes are used in buildings, oil and gas fields, cars, ships and all sorts of industrial equipment. The steel pipes manufactured there is an important component for structural framework, transportation of fluids and more.